SplashID > Standalone > Download | Purchase | Release Notes | User
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*Note: The latest versions of SplashID Safe (version 8.x) can be downloaded from splashid.com
SplashID Desktop is powerful desktop companion software that will
enable you to create and edit data and synchronize it wirelessly
with the handheld version (sold separately).
Please note that there is no trial period for SplashID Safe. You can
purchase it from within the application when you launch it for the
first time.
Download Instructions
- Click the Download button for the product installer (Windows or Mac)
you wish to download.
- When prompted with the "File Download" dialog box, select
"Save this program to disk" and save it in a place you are
sure to remember, like your Desktop.
- After the file has finished downloading, launch the Installer from
your desktop and follow the onscreen instructions. After installation
is complete you can delete the installer from the desktop.
Upgrade Instructions
Updates are free within major versions - for example, 6.1 to 6.2. We
generally charge a fee for upgrading between major versions - for example,
5.x to 6.x.
To upgrade just download the SplashID Safe installer, run the application and
enter your old registration code to get the discounted purchase price.
Before any upgrade or synchronizing with desktop software for the first time, it
you make a backup of your SplashID data:
Desktop Backup:
- Open the SplashID Desktop.
- Export a Backup VID file:
- Windows: Application Menu > Backup.
- Mac: File Menu > Backup.
- Save the file someplace safe, like your Documents folder.
Now you can install the upgrade and import the vID backup file on the SplashID Desktop if you run into
any issues.