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Get the SplashMoney
Android app

Manage your money anytime, anywhere. Connect
to your online bank from your desktop computer or Android device
and download transactions directly into SplashMoney. Create budgets
and then track and analyze your spending with customizable reports
and charts. Synchronize your handheld with your desktop computer
to stay on top of your finances whether you're at home, on the
road, or in the office. Desktop
companion software for Windows and Mac OS sold separately. |
“I love being able to
see at a glance how much money I have in the bank and what
my credit card balance is.”

Connect to your online bank and download recent transactions
directly into your account register


Add, edit and review transactions on the go with Categories,
Classes, and Memos

The included desktop software for Windows & Mac OS lets you easily
view, edit
and synchronize your SplashMoney data with your
Key Features:
- • Connect wirelessly to almost any online bank account (list
of banks)
- • Supports most account types: checking, savings, credit card, cash,
asset, liability, money market and line of credit
- • Secure password protection using Blowfish encryption
- • Quickly enter transactions using auto-fill and memorized transactions
- • Reconcile
account statements (desktop app)
- • Print
registers and reports (desktop app)
- • Scheduled transactions with reminders (desktop app)
- • Customizable transaction types
- • Multiple currency support
- • Simple, intuitive interface
- • Supports categories, classes and splits
- • 2008 Handango: “5 Stars”
- • "Does exactly what I need it to do - keep all my account balances
on my device where I can easily access them and update them." -
Handango Staff Review
- • 2008 PalmGear.com: “5 Stars”
- • 2006 Tucows.com: “5 Cows”
- • "Easy to use yet powerful. Extremely good user interface and capable synchronisation with
Quicken, including for split transactions and so on. Data entry is so quick and simple that even when at
home I now use my Palm in preference to my PC." – User from London, UK
- • "I love being able to see at a glance how much money is in the bank, and what my credit card
balance is. Having this information with me all the time (my Palm is kept in my purse) means I view it
frequently. I also frequently review where my money is being spent and it has *really* helped me to cut
back on impulsive purchases." – Kristin Elder, Palm Gear
- • "Easy to use program designed for our fast paced lifestyle! I know exactly what needs paid and
when, also able to keep track of savings, bonds, checking, etc... - at a glance. Great way to stay
organized, highly recommend." – Pamela from Chino Valley, AZ
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